What’s On


< 2020 >
  • 16

    10:00 AM-3:30 PM

    Forest school for ages 5 and above.
    Camp fire cooking, den building, Firecrafts and much much more.
    Come and join Harriet and Jo for a full day of forest school activities at the Old Goginan Mine Site.

    There are limited spaces so you will need to book in advance (please message us to book!)

    Bring a suitable clothing/footwear, a packed lunch and water bottle.
    Thursday 16th April 10.30 – 15.30 (this is a drop off session)
    Tickets £25 (siblings discounted at £20)

    Please see our facebook page and event for more details. https://www.facebook.com/events/1232012443676059/


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