What’s On

< 2017 >
August 13
  • 13

    Wild Child Aberystwyth

    12:00 PM-4:00 PM
    Unnamed Road, Aberystwyth SY23 3PD, UK
    Unnamed Road, Aberystwyth SY23 3PD, UK

    For children aged 6-12 years old, drop off.

    £15 per child.

    Bookings taken through our website:

    A day in the woods!

    We will be building dens/shelters, fire lighting, options to do leaf printing, make medallions, cordage and free-play.

    Foraging and cooking, we will have hazel leaf cake parcels, nettle crisps, caramelized apples, bread on a stick and popcorn.

    There will also be time to relax in our hammocks.

    Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and drink and wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear.

    Please car share where possible.
    Kid Friendly

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

24/08/19 MineTribe Forest School Easter Session - £25.00 / £20 Siblings

A full day of activities with our amazing Forest School leader Harriet Stanley. (Ages 5-12). Come and join her at the Old Goginan Mine Site for lots of woodland activities, bushcraft fun and games.